Dream Kitchens - kitchen and bath design remodeling

Dream Kitchens has been specializing in kitchen and bath design and remodeling in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for over 20 years.

Dream Kitchens - kitchen and bath design remodeling

Dream Kitchens has been specializing in kitchen and bath design and remodeling in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for over 20 years.

Dream Kitchens - kitchen and bath design remodeling

Dream Kitchens has been specializing in kitchen and bath design and remodeling in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for over 20 years.

Showing posts with label kitchen cabinets in the Andover MA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitchen cabinets in the Andover MA. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Tips to Make Bathroom Remodeling totally worth it

Homeowners who think that their bathrooms are outdated will consider remodeling it. Admit it; you might think of doing it yourself but sooner or later, you’ll get to realize that’s a bad idea. Always consider appointing a professional bathroom remodeling service to get the work done without flaws. Here are some tips to make bathroom remodeling successful.

1. Choosing the Right Fixtures:
The appearance of your bathroom depends on the materials you choose. If you are going for mismatched bowls and sinks, your bathroom might look awkward. Prevent this from happening by carefully choosing the right fixtures for your bathroom.

2. Right Flooring:
The tiles you choose can create a huge difference in the appearance of your bathroom. To make you and your loved ones safe, invest only on non-slippery tiles.

3. Size:
If you consider making changes in the size of your bathroom, keep tabs on the items that are to be placed in it. You’ll have to be extra careful in choosing the size of your bathtub and fixtures in such a way that your bathroom isn’t overcrowded.

4. Lighting:
Rather than choosing one light for your bathroom, you can make use of several simple, yet stylish lights that can create a big difference to your bathroom.

Follow the aforesaid tips to make your bathroom remodeling work successful. A reputable bathroom remodeling service in Massachusetts can listen to your requirements and works accordingly to make your vision into reality.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

A Simple Guide to Choose Good Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen remodeling is not a walk in the park. There are humungous aspects to consider from choosing the paint color to implementing safety measures. Residents must consider the equipment and materials that goes into the remodeling process. Amongst all such aspects, choosing kitchen cabinets must be done meticulously to ensure that the functionality of your kitchen is enhanced. Make a note of the following tips:

1. Open or Closed Shelving?
One of the primary aspects you have to consider is making your choice of cabinets. Space is a relevant factor for remodeling your kitchen. Open shelving is a wise choice as it gives enough room for your kitchen. On the other hand, choosing huge cabinets can overcrowd your small kitchen too.

2. Flat or Raised Panel
You’ll have to consider the specifications of shelves and cupboards while remodeling your kitchen. While choosing between flat and raised panels, analyze whether you are going for a traditional or modern kitchen style. For simple and contemporary kitchen designs, flat panels are good to go, whereas raised panels are the best choice for traditional and classic kitchen designs. 

3. Choice of Materials
Depending on the existing features and equipment present in your kitchen, you’ll need to decide on your preference of materials. Apart from functionality, kitchen remodeling should also work to make it visually appealing. This is why you don’t have to invest in inexpensive materials that might not go well with the design of kitchen appliances.

A lot of planning and preparation has to go in the choice of kitchen remodel and kitchen cabinets in Andover MA. Hence, choose a remodeling service and give your kitchen a splendid makeover!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Choosing the Right Flooring for your Bathroom

If you are planning a bathroom remodeling Massachusetts, there are a lot of things you need to account for. One of the biggest decisions you will have to take will be pertaining to choosing the right flooring. Here are a few options that you can consider – 


If you are you want to bathroom remodel Chelmsford MA on a budget, then laminate flooring is the most affordable option you can consider. This form of flooring does not get affected by moisture and lasts you long enough. Also, it is easy to tear out and replace in the future when you are ready to spend some more. 

Tile Flooring

It is extremely easy to find a diverse range of textures and styles as well as pricing options when it comes to tiles. While it may cost slightly more than laminate, it is cheaper than stone. That said, tile is difficult to clean and maintain since they harbor mould and stains in the grout lines. 


Stone offers a great classic look along with extremely durability. Stone seldom gets damaged from moisture and can last your years to come. However, it is also among the more expensive options to choose from. 

Finally, there is also the option of colored or stained concrete that is cheaper than tile and stone flooring. With some maintenance it is able to sustain through moist and humid environments. Furthermore, you can choose from a range of engravings and stains to give your bathroom a classic new look.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Essential Guide to Optimizing Cabinet Space in your Kitchen

While there may be a trend among remodeling contractors in Burlington MA to expand the windows, incorporate furniture pieces and focusing on design over functionality in your kitchen space, you want to make sure that at no point are you sacrificing your wall cabinets and storage space to accommodate for temporary artistic trends. 

The right contractors will be able to help you strike the right balance between design and storage by recommending the best kitchen cabinets in Andover MA that come with aesthetic and elegant looks while also providing to homeowners the functionality they need in their kitchen.

Are you Going Overboard?

It is easy to overboard when choosing a kitchen design when remodeling. However, no matter what you do make sure that you choose cabinets carefully that optimize the space you have and provide the right kind of access you need while cooking, hosting, dining or cleaning.

Here are a few tips to consider –

Moving Doors and Windows

If you have been facing trouble with cabinet space and storage over the years, during your remodeling be open to moving your doors and windows to accommodate for more cabinet space.

Wall Cabinets that Extend to the Ceiling

If you have an empty wall, make the most of it by installing cabinets that extend all the way up to the ceiling.

Drawers for Doors

If you have base cabinets in your kitchen, you will be able to optimize space by simply trading doors with drawers. 

Finally, make sure you maximize corner spaces for cabinets, install pull-out trash bins and consider installing a pull-out pantry for maximum space optimization.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Mistakes to Avoid when Remodeling your Kitchen

When it comes to kitchen renovation in Chelmsford MA, there is a lot that you can do to create that perfect working space for you and your family. However, there is also a lot that can go wrong in this endeavor. Make sure you avoid the following common mistakes when redoing your kitchen –

Spending when you Don’t need to

Before you start to kitchen remodel in Westford MA, make sure that you research about what is considered to be a low, medium and high end renovation job and what makes most sense for your space. Get to know your neighborhood, the kind of kitchens that are common here and avoid over spending when there is little need to do so. Also assess your remodeling goals, are you looking at flipping the house or do you intend to improve overall functionality or both?

Suffering an Identity Crisis

Avoid remodeling your European style kitchen into a 50’s ranch style space. All homes are built with an architectural style in mind and you want to make sure that your remodeling endeavor is in sync with the overall look and feel of your home.

Loosing Track of Trends

Besides aesthetics, there is always something new going on in field of kitchen improvement. Make sure you research the latest and trends and technologies for your kitchen and find the right solutions for your new space.

Finally, make sure that you avoid moving the water the gas lines to accommodate sink, oven and stove reconfigurations especially in older homes. Also make sure you are conscious about the floor plan and find ways to repurpose existing cabinets to create a charming and functional new kitchen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Popular Reasons to Opt for a Kitchen Remodel

Although initially people were satisfied with a small, but well-ventilated kitchens; people today need open and well-organised places to cook. If you have been dissatisfied with your kitchen space lately, you may want to explore your options. This write-up tells you about the popular reasons why most homeowners opt to remodel their kitchens.

•    A Want for De-cluttering the Area

If you’re awaiting the arrival of a child or have a toddler who has recently started to wander into the kitchen, you must take a few steps to ensure that the space is child-friendly. One of the first things you could do is organise the area properly with new kitchen cabinets in the Andover MA. and Lexington MA area.  When everything has a space allotted to it, there won’t be stray instruments like scissors or carving knives your child might play or get hurt with.

•    The Need for More Appliance Space

Let’s face it, the number of instruments used to cook today and the appliances used to process the food have increased. There are blenders, food processors, juicers, waffle-makers and toasters that people use today. In addition to this, there any many appliances used to store the produce before or even after it is cooked. Everything from the refrigerator, to the microwave or brick oven needs a space, as does the cold-storage where the cuts of meat are stocked.

Dream Kitchens can remodel in Burlington, MA and in the Andover MA area.  We can help you design a space where all your appliances and necessities are optimally stored so they are easy to reach when you cook for your family.